5 Creative Ways to Find a Job in the Digital Age

No matter what age you are, you need to be familiar with computers and the internet if you’re going to have a good chance of finding a job in the digital age that we’re all living in. There are so many easy ways to search for jobs online.


Not only that, many employers will only post job advertisements online and accept applications online. This means you need to utilize all the possible ways of finding a job online and familiarize yourself with the online application process.


However, this doesn’t mean the internet is the only way to find a job. Even though we’re living in the digital age, there are still job search resources that require you to communicate with people in-person.


If you’re someone from the older generation, then you might be more familiar with this approach of finding a job. But if you’re from the generation that grew up in the digital age, then in-person job searches might not be something you know how to do.


Regardless of your situation, there are 5 creative ways for anyone to find a job in the digital age if you simply apply yourself.


Social Media


If you’re like most people in the developed world, you probably have profiles on social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


These online social tools are a great way to connect with potential employers and businesses by simply sending them a message or replying to one of their posts.


Facebook has a “Groups” section where you can discover discussion groups dedicated to various topics and job industries.


You can just join one of these groups and let people know that you’re looking for a job. They’re bound to give you advice or refer you to one of their connections.


If you use LinkedIn, you can find groups that are solely related to business and job opportunities. When an employer happens to come across your name, they can just click on it and then instantly see your resume on your profile page.


This saves you time from having to apply all over the place.


Information Sharing Platform


The unemployment problem is not simply that there is no work. The problem is also that that employers and recruiters can’t find applicants with the proper skills to do the jobs that are available.


What’s the point of applying for a job if you don’t possess the right skills for it? Perhaps you can’t find any jobs available which require your current skillset.


To help out employers and job applicants, new information and professional data sharing platforms are on the rise. LinkedIn has been on to it for a while but Knowledge.oi, a knowledge-based information sharing platform is set to provide an even more compelling and engaging platform when it launches in 2018. connects employers with the applicants who have the specific skills they are looking for. Companies can screen job seekers through tests in Q&A format. The results are then compiled into a Knowledge Score that measures whether an individual is skilled in marketing, finance and any other business function.


It helps applicants find jobs they’re qualified for rather than being turned down over and over again and even monetizes the opportunity via its gamification and use of tokens.


It makes job hunting fun and easy as people compete and gain recognition for their knowledge and expertise.


Government Job Websites


State and national governments in developed countries throughout the world have created their own job board websites to help their citizens find employment.


In Australia, you can go to a website like and search for jobs in any state of the country.


In the United States, you can go to and do the same thing. The state governments of these countries also create their own job boards as well.


The benefit to using one of these websites is there’s less risk of fraudulent job posts being made. Also, many of the employers are more credible and reputable.


Recruitment Agencies


For those who still prefer the old-fashioned approach to finding employment, you can go to a recruiting agency in-person and fill out an application.


These agencies will basically test your skills and then match you up with employers who are looking for people with those skills. In a way, this is a classic version of the information sharing platform.


The only difference is you’re technically working for the agency rather than the actual employer.


Blogs and Forums


If you’re a blogger or simply love to post messages on forums and message boards, then you could always utilize these resources for finding a job.


Your best bet would be to find local blogs where people in your area like to post messages on. Then, you can get all kinds of help finding employment by simply participating in this online community where people share information with each other.


Not only that, many employers will only post job advertisements online and accept applications/resumes online. This means you need to utilize all the possible ways of finding a job online and familiarize yourself with the online application process. If you have never crafted a resume, professional resume writing by Arielle Careers could be a wise investment. A resume is more than a bulleted list of your past experience. Having a well-written one can easily get you in the door at many places of employment. 

Image Source: Pixabay CC0 Licence


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